Poster example that was used by a nonprofit in the Seattle area. Photography by Hearts & Lens-trained Kerri Kirshner.
How to Give Back
Hearts & Lens training gives ideas on how to Give Back, in other words, how to use unique talents for bringing happiness to families of children or adults who may have a disability, serious illness or in need of a beautiful "Life Lived Long" photograph of an elderly parent or dear one.
Display your "Life Lived Long" images at a senior center and offer your services.
During Down Syndrome Awareness Day is March 21. Create a photo display at your local library.
April 2 is Autism Awareness Day. Create a community display of your images of children with autism or autism spectrum disorders.
National People with disabilities Day is Dec. 3
Provide images for local and national campaigns.
Learn about the many other opportunities to provide awareness and advocate for the disabled.
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